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Busby Blogger Template

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Busby Blogger Template is a wordpress to blogger converted premium blogge rtemplate

More About Blogger Template
Platform Type Blogger / Blogspot
Template Name Busby Blogger Template
Descriptionsfree Busby Blogger Template is a free premium style blogger template. its 2 columns, 1 Right Sidebar, 4 columns footer, Free Premium, Wordpress Look, Wordpress to Blogger, custom date stamp, Gray, Black, White, Yellow, and more
Template Author
DesignerSimrandeep Singh
Instructions URL How to install Blogger Template correctly ?

How To Install a Blogger Template In New Blogger Interface
Tags search Busby Blogger template, Busby Blogspot Theme, Busby Blogspot templates, Busby Joomla Theme, Busby Blogger Theme, Busby Joomla Template, Busby free blogger template, download Busby theme, Busby Wordpress Template, Busby Wordpress Theme


  1. showing some error while saving the layout please rectify the eroor..this is a fabulous template..

  2. @Vivekanand Arumanda

    hi can you post your screen shot. i think i can help you

    thanks :)

  3. Aiden


    The yellow circle is not displaying date. Its only displaying text "undefined" Can you help with changing it as show in the demo.

  4. @Aiden
    go to blogger setting and set as this

  5. Aiden

    Hi Lasindu Nadishan,

    Where do I set it? Can u tell me exactly where to put this piece of code. I'm totally new to blogger.

  6. Aiden

    Hey its working. I figured it out. Thanks.

    I have problem finding images fitting in the slider. Any way of doing it?

  7. @Aiden

    This is a one of image url

    find this url and replace it with your image, this is not a automatic image slider.

  8. Rob


    Will text formatting work with this template? I have it installed and have tried to utilize some bold and italicized fonts and the template is not applying the changes.


  9. @Rob
    Im To Personally Tested This Template, So Please Send Me To Your Blog url, I will Check it


  10. where i can fix undefined in template HTML ,, i can not input in my template html,,,where position??

  11. The yellow circle is not displaying date. Its only displaying text "undefined" Can you help with changing it as show in the demo!!!


    go to setting and change gate setting as this image

    sorry for late reply

  13. hey i'm still having issues with the date showing as undefined :( i already changed the blogger language & formatting settings but its still not working. help please! (:

  14. @rona m.
    Follow This steps

    go to setting and change gate setting as this image

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