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Johny Asal Responsive Blogger Template

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Johny Asal Responsive Blogger Template is a Responsive Free Blogger Template
More About Johny Asal Responsive Blogger Template
Platform Type Blogger / Blogspot
Template Name Johny Asal Responsive Blogger Template
DescriptionsJohny Asal Responsive is a Just Another Responsive Gallery Blogger Template. its 4 Column Blogger Template with 3 Column Footer area.This Footer And Header Background's Design as a same Pattern,This Theme Header and Footer For Black Pattern Background And Content Area Background Design Using Gray Color Pattern Background.Dual Top Menu Link's With Small Drop Down Effect.728px Ads Banner Placed Top of Content Area.This Johny Asal Responsive Theme Header Design as a 3 Column Area. Left Side for Header Title With Logo, Center For Small Page Menu And Right side For Search Box Placed.Gallery Blogger Template With Auto Blog Post summarizing And "Read More" Option.Johny Asal Responsive Blogger Template Suitable For Tech And Gadget Reviews Related Blogger Blog's.
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Instructions URL How to install Blogger Template correctly ? How To Install a Blogger Template In New Blogger Interface
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Johny Asal Responsive Blogspot Template
Johny Asal Responsive B Template
Johny Asal Responsive Blogger Theme
Johny Asal Responsive Blogspot Theme
Johny Asal Responsive B Theme


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
  2. @Ric Hard
    dont use my my site for spam

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