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Johny Portal 2 Blogger Template

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Johny Portal 2 Blogger Template is a Free Premium style quality blogge rtemplate.its good for premium site

More About Blogger Template
Platform Type Blogger / Blogspot
Template Name Johny Portal 2 Blogger Template
Descriptionsfree Johny Portal 2 Blogger Template is a magazine style template. its 3 Column, 1 Right Sidebar, top menu, Magazine, Magazine blogger templates, Free Premium, ads ready, cool searchbox, 3 Column footer, Slideshow, web 2.0 and more options
Template Author
Instructions URL How to install Blogger Template correctly ?

How To Install a Blogger Template In New Blogger Interface
Tags search Johny Portal 2 Blogger template, Johny Portal 2 Blogspot Theme, Johny Portal 2 Blogspot templates, Johny Portal 2 Joomla Theme, Johny Portal 2 Blogger Theme, Johny Portal 2 Joomla Template, Johny Portal 2 free blogger template, download Johny Portal 2 theme, Johny Portal 2 Wordpress Template, Johny Portal 2 Wordpress Theme


  1. Friend I can Help You, Please Send Your Site url. I can Help you how to fix it

  2. Hi
    Here is My Website.
    I use Johny Portal 2 template( and I got problem with blank space (I think featured contents) as you can see.
    Can Any one Help me Please.
    Million of thanks

  3. hi friend, please follow this steps(for remove slider)

    search this tag

    <div id="featured">

    and remove this tag completely with Closing </div> tag

    if you cant found it search This tag "#featured" and add this code below

    display: none;

    like this

    #featured {
    background: url("") repeat-x scroll center top transparent;
    border-top: 2px solid #005D78;
    display: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 10px 10px 0;

    all is don

    if you cant successfully remove it, please contact me using our site contact page, i can log your blogger site and help to remove it


  4. how do i get the featured slider codes?
    cos after installing the template, they are not showing and there is no suggestion anywhere as regards where to find them.

  5. @Seun Banjo

    This is a Designer Site, Use This Site, There have how setup slider for this template

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